Seresto Flea Collar For Cats & Kittens

Seresto Flea Collar For Cats & Kittens

  • AU$57.40
  • Ex Tax: AU$57.40
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Active Constituents: 100mg/g Imidacloprid, 45mg/g Flumethrin
For the treatment and prevention of Flea nfestation for up to 8 months

Paralysis tick protection for 8 months

Kills larval flea stages in the surroundings of treated cats

Pre - existing adult fleas on cat will be killed within 24 hours of placing the collar on the cat

Prevention of flea infestation is achieved by 24 hours after placing the collar on the cat

Reinfesting fleas are killed within 2 hours

Reduces the transmission of some vector born diseases between cats by the fleas

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

The collar has no odour and is non-greasy

Kills fleas

Works through Sustained Release Technology - the active ingredients are released continuously from the collar in low concentrations; it then diffuses on the pets skin/coat, through the natural skin lipid layer

Fleas don't have to bite to die - works through contact killing fleas

Water resistant
If shampooing the cat, it is recommended to use a soap free shampoo
The collar should be worn continuously for the full protection period


Only remove the collar from the sealed protective pouch immediately before use
Unroll the collar, to avoid irritating the dogs skin, be sure to remove remaining plastic connectors from the inside edge of the collar
Adjust the collar to fit the cat’s neck, pull collar through the loop, cut off any excess length beyond 2cm.
Check the collar fit and adjust periodically – especially for growing kittens
The collar should be worn continuously for the full protection period.
The effects of frequent exposure to water, on the efficacy of the collar, have not been established

Seresto™ is a registered trademark of Elanco.

Seresto™ is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,910,122.

Seresto™ and the diagonal bar or logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ABN 64 076 745 198. Level 3, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. For further information contact: © 2022 Elanco

Not for sale to US customers


For Cats and kittens 10 weeks of age and older. – apply one Seresto Collar For Cats and Kittens – 38cm length Suitable for kittens from 10 weeks of age
Active Constituents 100mg/g Imidacloprid, 45mg/g Flumethrin
Application For external use only. One collar per cat to be fastened around the neck of the cat
Safety Information The safety of the product has not been established for pregnant and lactating queens Skin reactions such as dermatitis, inflammation, eczema or lesions can occur at the collar site – removal of the collar until symptoms have disappeared may be recommended

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